One thing about Apple Inc. that builds a strong communication with it's consumer is it's distinctive brand quality and features. Apple's flawless and simplistic yet innovative style in their portable media gadgets are idiosyncrasies that appeal to the consumers aesthetic mind. By doing this, this company has successfully incorporated the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire and Action) concept into their business plan.
Apple Inc's customer focus is this: "Every product we make and every service we provide is for our customers. Focus on providing innovative, high-quality products and services and on demonstrating integrity in every business interaction. Always apply Apple’s principles of business conduct."
With Apple's infamous comparative ads, delineating the dichotomy between the Mac and PC, demands our attention informing us that they are better than the competition. From the moment we walk into an Apple store and we see kiosks with ready to use iPhones, iPads, and Macbooks, that automatically strikes interest in the consumers.New features in the iPhone like Apple Maps, a bigger screen, and panorama picture setting (iPhone 5) create that desire that makes us the consumer desire this product.
Apple make's sure to assert it's presence in our every day lives by becoming a household name. Also, their success in the NASDAQ, going head to head with Google in QE3 doesn't directly prove Apple as the best tech company however it definitely holds the spot above Microsoft. Even though Apple's share price has dropped, it is climbing again trading at 563.05 per share and is a bull in the NASDAQ Composite.